Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I haven't had a lot of free time to make any blog entries lately, so I thought I'd just mention a few books I've found very helpful. There are a lot of good books out there, but these are some of my favorites:

For the Love of a Dog by Patricia McConnell
The Other End of the Leash by Patricia McConnell
How to be Your Dog's Best Friend by The Monks of New Skete
The Art of Raising a Puppy by The Monks of New Skete
The Hidden Life of Dogs by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
The Intelligence of Dogs by Stanley Coren

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Foods to Avoid

Veterinary & Aquatic Services Department, Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc.

Q: Which foods could be dangerous for my dog?

A: Some foods which are edible for humans, and even other species of animals, can pose hazards for dogs because of their different metabolism. Some may cause only mild digestive upsets, whereas, others can cause severe illness, and even death. The following common food items should not be fed (intentionally or unintentionally) to dogs. This list is, of course, incomplete because we can not possibly list everything your dog should not eat.

For the complete list, visit http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=0+1276&aid=1030.