Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dominance in domestic dogs - useful construct or bad habit

Dominance in domestic dogs - useful construct or bad habit

I'm starting to feel like I'm on a crusade against dominance theory and the "alpha dog" misconception. However, I believe it has permeated people's thinking to the point that it bares repeating.

I was surprised I hadn't mentioned this study, published last May in The Journal of Veterinary Behavior, but such is my schedule. The paper argues and research shows that dominance is not a motivating factor, but an aspect of the relationship between two individuals.

The first link is to the website and page where a copy of the paper is available. The second link is to the actual study.

1 comment:

  1. It was just brought to my attention that the above links no longer work. You can find a copy of the study at
